
Jessica walked out of the SM building and saw the pouring rain. Her brows frowned. How was she able to get into her car without getting her guitar wet?


Suddenly, her phone rang.

“Hello?” She answered in English when she saw who was calling.

“Jess?Can you come pick me up?Manager oppa needs to go and get Yoona and Seohyun.”

“Where are you?” She asked as she tried to observe the surroundings to see if there’s anyone around with an umbrella to help her. She was too naive. Who could be wandering around in the middle of the night, and in a rain like this?

“The practice studio.I just finished my final rehearsal.”

Someone tapped her shoulders on the back. She turned and when she saw who it was, she smiled.

“Sure. Will be there in half an hour.” Jessica hung up and turned to face the person who was at her back.

“Need an umbrella?” Sooyoung lifted her hand with a big umbrella in her hand and grinned.


Sooyoung just finished her dance lessons. She had been missing too much group practice since she participated in the shooting of the drama, The Third Hospital.

She could understand now how Yoona must had felt when she was filming and practicing at the same time.

“This is torture!!!” She had been here since 8pm and didn’t even have the chance to eat dinner. Her stomach was growling.

“That’s about it. You should go home and get some rest before the performance tomorrow.” The dance teacher said to her.

“I could keep on practicing.” Sooyoung laid on the floor and answered. “If only I could have something to eat.”

“You don’t need to fantasize about food.” The teacher walked up and lifted her up from the floor with ease. “You’re dismissed. You can go and have some rest and eat all you want.”

“Yeah!!Thanks oppa!!” She quickly hugged him then rushed out of the room after grabbing her coat and bag.

“It’s raining outside!” He called as he picked up her umbrella. Within seconds, Sooyoung ran inside and grabbed the umbrella and ran out of the room again.

She could finally get some rest!!She was in such a good mood that she could even walk home in this pouring rain.

“Pork, beef, spicy rice cake....” She started mumbling what food to buy on her way home as she made her way to the first floor. That’s when she saw a familiar figure standing in front of the front door. She saw the girl’s tense shoulders and the worried look on her face as the girl was seemingly trying to find something while talking to someone on the phone.

Jessica must have been here longer than she had, seeing that she had her guitar with her. She has been taking lessons for a month now. 5 hours every single day.Even in their busiest days, she would squeeze that 5 hours to come and practice so that she could have her best performance on stage when they have their concert next month.

The hyped Sooyoung slowed down. She walked silently and slowly towards her unnie. Jessica must have been tired, since she was the one who needed so much sleep. The thought of that made her heart ache. She had to be there for her. 

So she tapped gently on her back and gave her her most radiant and cheerful smile, 

“Need an umbrella?”



“ How’s the show?Did everything go well?” The manager asked as soon as the doe-eyed girl escaped the heavy rain and got into the car.

She was silent for a while as she stared out the window, her thoughts running endlessly through her head. She was Im Yoona, the center image of the best girl group in South Korea, the best actress in the group. She had achieved in so many acting awards, and the groups’s career has been at it’s peek since 2009. Yet she felt empty sometimes. She felt insufficient, especially at times like this.

“They made me sing again.” She said, her voice sounding helpless. She hated it, whenever the MCs made her sing and their only comment was {Oh, she’s so cute.} or {Oh, she’s such a pretty girl.}. She didn’t need the others to tell her twice that her singing was bad. She knew it wasn’t good. To be honest, she knew it was horrible, compare to the others in the group. But she still did it, for the group’s sake, and for her own. She knew she had to at least try. But she just didn’t like it.

The manager knew better than to mess with Yoona now. So instead of cheering her up, he just kept on driving, and hope that everything will be better after Yoona got a good night sleep tonight.

Yoona closed her eyes. She might be the prettiest in the group, but she also knew that was the only thing she was best at. Being pretty. And she didn’t even need to put any effort into that. No matter how hard she try, people would always see her as that-the center image. So she stopped trying so hard in singing. But it still hurts her when things like these happened. If only she could have more time to take proper singing lessons instead of just sitting in a room with more than 20 trainees and dashing off 20 minutes after class had started because of her busy schedule.

The car stopped in front of another building and a girl rushed into the car.

“Unnie!” Maknae Seohyun hugged the elder girl as soon as she got in.

Yoona patted her back lightly and felt a little bit better. At least she still got the eight girls.

“Unnie, are you alright?” Seohyun asked as she put on her seatbelt, sensing the lack of energy in her greeting.

“Not my best of days, that’s all.” Yoona gave her an reassurance smile.

Seohyun was quiet for a while, and then said, 

“It’s not my best of days either, unnie.”

Yoona looked at her carefully this time. And even though through the darkness, she could see Seohyun’s eyes filled with weariness and was a little bit puffy.

“What is it?” She asked as she patted her little sister’s head. She must have really been frustrated about something, seeing that she didn’t usually cry.

Seohyun was silent for some time. She didn’t want her favorite unnie to worry, but she had to ask someone, to get it out of her chest. She needed to be better. And who better to confess to than her closest unnie?

“Unnie, how can I be funnier?Like you, or Sooyoung unnie, or Yuri unnie, or Sunny unnie?”

Yoona was a bit taken aback. She always knew Seohyun wasn’t good at variety shows, but she never thought that she would want to change. She thought that that was what made her unique. And all the members thought the same. But Seohyun had asked, and she would try her best to help her if it meant to make her feel better.

“Well, I think in your case, you need to relax more. Try to be yourself on the show.”

“But our image...”

Yoona couldn’t help but laugh. 

“That’s not the most important thing when it comes to variety talk shows.”

Seohyun lowered her head. Maybe she couldn’t do it after all. 

Upon seeing Seohyun discouraged, Yoona held her hand and squeezed it gently while saying,

“Well, Sooyoung always say that variety shows are overrated.” Seohyun smiled gratefully at her.

“What’s your trouble, unnie?” She asked.

“I taught you how to be funny, can you teach me how to sing?” Yoona smiled playfully. Even her donsaeng was worried about how to improve and all she could think of was how irritated those comments made her? The unnies were right, the maknae does lead the group. Looks like she need to put off schedules to take one on one lessons.

As if trying to make her unnie feel better, Seohyun joked,

“Singing is overrated too.”

Their eyes met, and they laughed. Those problems seemed easier now that they were together.

“Let’s go home.” 


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