

寫的好不好又是另一回事了哈哈哈 不過我想說既然都開了這個地方就也都放一下吧XD





嗯...因為文章沒有人校正過,要是有親故看到文法錯的很離譜的就直接留言在下面說沒關係的XDD (我國高中階段文法也是之差的嘖嘖),若是有心得感想我更歡迎,但請別叫我翻譯....相信我我試過...但實在是....(攤)




"I'm home!" The dancing queen called out as she opened the door. But no one answered her. She was facing the darkness alone. She looked at her watch. Half past ten.

She sighed as she quietly closed the door and stepped inside. Of course, who could be at home at this time of the night?

Hyoyeon slowly moved towards her room and took a bath. Then she went back to the living room and turned on the TV. She felt even more lonely in this empty living room.


She grabbed the pillow beside her and hugged it tightly to her chest.

She had had a bad day. She had been on a show all by herself and had accidentally heard someone talking behind her back. It would have been fine if only one of the members was there with her, cause then they'll be laughing at the comment.

She always knew she was only known because of her dancing skills. She couldn't sing as well as Taeng, and she wasn't as pretty as Yoona. So she had to work twice as hard, even thrice. But it seemed like it still wasn't enough.

She lifted her head and looked at the clock. 11:15 pm.



She wondered when the others would return.


The petite woman said goodbye to the crew one by one, then jumped into into the van in front of the building.

"Good job today, Sunny." The manager said to the girl as they drove away from the MBC building.

"I thought I messed up." Sunny said. "Since I manage to make three mistakes while reading exactly what the typewriters said in front of me. Oppa," She looked at him and pleaded, "Next time, please let me be on the show with at least one of the members,ok?"

The manager just laughed.

"Sorry. They only asked for you.And the others all have their individual schedules today. I'll ask next time, ok?" He patted her on the head to sooth her.

Sunny stuck out her tongue as a sign of protest, then she started to stare at the road ahead of her.

"Oppa, what time is it?"

"Almost 11. You want to grab something to eat?"

11. That meant Hyoyeon should be home. And maybe Yuri, too. She smiled.



"Nah.I just want to go home."



This must have been the worst day in her life. Okay, maybe not the worst, but it could still be counted as one of the worst. First, the car broke down, so she and her manager had to walk 30 minutes to the shooting location. And because the new intern manage to get the items all wrong, they had to wait another two hours before they actually started shooting.

Well, at least she got all the clothes and accessories because of the delay.

But now she had to carry all the clothes back home by herself because the manager had to get the car fixed before tomorrow’s performance. And it started raining before she even got to their apartment’s front door.

“Oh, great.” She grumbled as she finally made her way to the front door. “They better be grateful when the see these, or I’ll kill them.”

She slided the key card and slipped into the door with much difficulty as she tried to grab 4~5 dresses in each hand and get in at the same time. She walked towards the elevator but couldn’t spare a finger to press the button.

“This is just great.” She muttered as she slowly and carefully turned and decided to take the stairs instead. “ My day just keeps getting better and better.”

Third floor. She stopped, used her knuckles to type in the password. The door opened. She took off her shoes, stepped into the living room, and saw two girls sitting on the sofa, laughing at the comedian on the TV. Her shoulders relaxed as she met eyes with Hyoyeon and Sunny.

“Hey, Yuri. Welcome home.”

It was as if the exhausting day was just a nightmare. She walked in the room and smiled sincerely for the first time today.

It’s good to be home.






    創作者 allabt9 的頭像


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