We are indestructible, so don't let others tell you otherwise.
It would be an understatement to say that I feel sad about this incident. They have been more than just idols,or even artists to me. It is through them that I was able to find the strength that supported me through my ups and downs during my darkest times. It was their dorkiness at first, then their sincerity and diligence, and in the end, it was their energy and passion for life that pulled me out of my misery. I feel not only grateful but also deeply in debt of them for saving me. This two and a half years of knowing them has been the happiest days of my life. They could turn my frowns to smiles even by seeing one of them achieve a new goal in their careers or even, private lives. Their dorkiness still makes me laugh, no matter how time passed, and I have no doubt that they still will when I'm 40 or even 50. I laugh when they are on variety programs, I make fun of them whenever they make funny mistakes or cute comments on SNS, I feel mesmerized every time I watch their performances and I know still will in the upcoming future. These little things, these trivial things that they have created, or they have done, has had a numerous impact on my perspective for life.
Last year was a turning point for me, when I met the love of my life through SNSD. And that me feel even more grateful. I met a wonderful person who, like me, had find strength through these nine girls. Through them, we are bonded, and our affection towards each grew within this year. Though the talk of girls had slowly been averted to our own daily lives, it is still our dream to one day attend one of their events together to show how much we appreciate them. I dreamt of one day telling them, hopefully Yoona or Jessica(since we both write fan fictions of Yoonsic), that thanks to them, I've met someone that I'm willing to spend the rest of my life with. That is how much hope they've given me. They've given me a cause, another person for me to live for in real life. I've always been a realist, but they taught me, that regardless of whatever crappy things you're going through, don't afraid to dream BIG.That is why I was happy to hear that TTS is releasing a new album; why I was glad that Sooyoung had stared in another TV drama; why I feel relieved when I see Jessica launching her own brand, which was her ultimate dream.
Yet this morning, I woke up to see that the world has changed. At first I felt nothing, then dumbfounded, and then realization set in. I was shocked, and I believe almost everyone else was the same.Nevertheless the news was too ridiculous to be true. Wasn't it only a few months ago that they had a comeback as nine, and claimed that it would always be the nine of them for as long as they are active? Now today, I'm not here to say who is to be blamed for this incident. People go their separate ways, that is an undeniable fact, and we experience that all the time. What was shocking was the message Jessica had left on her SNS. The tone that sort of accused the company and the other members that she was INFORMED that she was no longer a member. I, like everyone else, could not believe what I saw first. SONE has always been a strong fan base. We've survived some many ridicule incidents this year, and yet this was the one that none of us was expecting. I was caught off guard. All of a sudden, the very reason that has salvaged me two and a half years ago seemed to vanish. But my brain told me not to panic, and my significant other also cooed me and tell me to wait for the official statement. I, somehow, deep down inside me, got caught up in my own thoughts. It's not the information that she was no longer a member that bothers me. It was the way this news was presented to the public. And so I waited, yet whatever or whomever posted the messages, whatever the truth was in the end, I had never doubt for a second that their bond was broken.
It was until then did I realize, I no longer love them only as a group, I love them as individuals as well.I love the bond they have, and if any of you have a friend that has been with you for more than ten years, you would know that this bond not be broken simply because of conflict of interests, as SM has said in the official statement.From the outbreak this morning, till this very moment, I believe in the girls, not because that I choose to believe what I want to believe, but because I KNOW the bond between them is true.It would be a great shame that fans might not be able to see them appear as nine again, but to me, they meant more than a girl group. They have each saved me, through different ways, and what happened today cannot erase that. They have been my friends that accompanied me through ups and downs in life, and though them and with them, we grew up. And if, she has eventually decide to leave , I will accept and respect her choice, which no doubt would be one of the hardest decisions she'll ever make, I believe. Therefore, for the remaining eight and Jessica, I'm here to stay. And so my blog will stay open, and I will continue to write fanfics of Yoonsic and other couples.
We are indestructible, so don't let others tell you otherwise.