
最近聽了Bang Bang還有Shape of You而引發的很臨時的靈感,本來嘗試著用中文寫不出,於是只好轉換一下,用英文寫了orz








{She got a body like an hourglass , But I can give it to you all the time

She got a booty like a Cadillac, But I can send you into overdrive}


{You’ve been waiting for that; Step on up swing your bat

See anybody could be bad to you, You need a good girl to blow your mind, yeah}


The blonde has been the spotlight of the pub ever since she set foot into the venue. With features that are too pretty to turn people’s sights away, doe-like eyes, and her tall, slender figure, she has black leather jacket and jeans, with middle-length boots that cleaved perfectly to her ankles.


The woman walked up to the bar alone, and stood next to a red-head. She raised her hand slightly as the bartender nodded to acknowledge her call.

In the background, Bang Bang by Ariana Grande, Jessie J, and Nikki Manja blasted throughout the whole space.


[Do I have the honor to buy this beautiful lady a drink?]

With her question, the red-head tilted her head to face the blonde, with a hand elegantly cupping her perfect face. She looked up and down, as if pondering if the blonde was good enough to buy her a drink, then smiled contently.


[Martini, dry, one olive.]

[Of course.] Now that she had an official invitation, the blonde sat down next to the red-head. As the bartender walked close to her, she ordered two dry martinis, each with one olive. [The name’s Yoona.]


[Tiffany.] Tiffany offered her hand, which Yoona picked up and planted a small kiss on.



[What brings you here?]

[Oh you know, it’s Friday night. A girl’s got to entertain herself.]

[And did you get into this bar with that face?] Tiffany asked skeptically. That oh-so-innocent-and-looks-under-21 face.

[I am older than I look.] Yoona smirked, her tone full of confidence.


[Hmm...] Tiffany picked up her drink, put the olive into her mouth, with her tongue lingering around her lips for a little bit too long. And then she downed the drink in one mouthful. [But do you play like a grown up?]


Yoona could only smile.

This seemed to be heading into an interesting direction. And she would be happy to follow wherever this leads her. She thought as she ordered another round of drinks for Tiffany and herself.


{The club isn't the best place to find a lover

So the bar is where I go

Me and my friends at the table doing shots

Drinking fast and then we talk slow

Come over and start up a conversation with just me

And trust me I'll give it a chance now

Take my hand, stop, put Van the Man on the jukebox

And then we start to dance, and now I'm singing like...}


Shape of You by Ed Sheeran was now loud and clear in the background as they finished their 10th drink and pulled their bodies closer to each other.



Tiffany leaned in to give in her lips and let Yoona’s delicate hands cupped the lower part of her body as she so desired to.



{Girl, you know I want your love

Your love was handmade for somebody like me

Com on now, follow my lead

I may be crazy, don't mind me

Say, boy, let's not talk too much

Grab on my waist and put that body on me

Come on now, follow my lead

Come, come on now, follow my lead}


The night was dark, and clouds were clustering. With the little flashlight Tiffany provided through her phone, and her hairclip, Yoona, however, was able to put her greaser skills to work. Within a few seconds, the lock of the car clicked silently, and she quietly opened the car’s back door, gesturing Tiffany to hop in.


As soon as Yoona closed the door, Tiffany pulled her closer towards herself, with a hand on Yoona’s back and another pressing gently against Yoona’s head. Yoona smirked and offered her lips in return, slowly pushing Tiffany down on the cushion, her hands starting to move up Tiffany’s tight skirt. She pulled away from the kiss as she carefully pulled down Tiffany’s stocking, and was met with a satisfying laugh by the red-head.


[Looks like you know how much I adore my clothing.]

[Yes, I do know a thing or two.] Yoona replied before her lips started exploring Tiffany’s bosom, and as she let out a tiny sigh, Yoona couldn’t help but start to let her fingers go up slowly against Tiffany’s thighs.


She tap-danced around her sensitivity. And Tiffany returned the favor, as she lingered her lips around Yoona’s ears, whispering soft moans, making Yoona tightened her grip on her waist, and her lower body pressing harder onto hers.

Tiffany’s smile was a little bit to glamour and mischievous in the darkness. She gently tucked a stray of Yoona’s hair to the back of ear, and softly let out something that would make Yoona unable to hold herself anymore:

Have me.- She said.


And Yoona did, as her hand maneuvered into Tiffany’s lingerie, touching Tiffany with a strength that’s neither too strong nor too light, and applying just enough pressure as Tiffany pushed up her back and let her body taking in Yoona’s fingers completely.


As Yoona sat back, allowing Tiffany to sit on her lap, and pushing her fingers as deep as she can, the sound of lust, compiling with their sweats and moans, Tiffany swayed her body back and forth faster and faster.


[Ever wonder what it feels like from the back?] Yoona asked as she pressed her lips against Tiffany’s hot forefront, from her flat belly, to her nipples, then her neck, and finally her ears. Tiffany kissed Yoona fully on the mouth, not answering but still rocking her body hard on Yoona’s finger.


Yoona pulled out suddenly, and turned Tiffany’s back to her, grabbing her by the waist and pulled her body slightly upwards. She leaned forwards as she touched Tiffany’s bare back with her lips and fingers, sending shivers down Tiffany’s spine, and had her butt even higher. Yoona unbuttoned her own shirt and pressed her naked body against Tiffany’s back as she slid her fingers into Tiffany once again, getting a content moan from the woman down beneath her. And with that, Yoona seemed to be unable to hold back her urge anymore. She picked up her pace, and with every pound, Tiffany hit back even harder, rubbing her back hard to Yoona’s lower body as well.


Yoona’s hands made their way to Tiffany’s ample bosom, and gently massaging them as their bodies moved together, in sync. And as Yoona twirled her fingers again and again inside Tiffany, Tiffany tightened her grip on her remaining of her clothes, and finally, reached climax.



They laid down, on top of each other, as they caught their breaths after the exhausting yet thrilling exploration. And before anyone could speak, Yoona’s phone rang, with Ed Sheeran’s Shape of You ringtone.


Really? – Tiffany questioned Yoona with her eyes. But Yoona only shrugged her shoulders as she picked up when she saw who was calling.


[Hey Jess…yes hon. I’ll be back home soon. Told you I had some assignment that’s due tonight. Yup, see you soon. Love you.]


[Well, guess we should call it a night?] Tiffany started putting on her clothes as Yoona hung up the phone.


[This was my assignment.]


[I know.] Tiffany smirked, a little mockingly, but also as if she was very satisfied with Yoona’s answer.



[I hope that was stimulating enough for you.] Tiffany said as her heels made a clear and sharpy click onto the concrete paths outside the car. [I’ll see you tomorrow in class?]


Yoona closed up the door as Tiffany fully emerged from the car. Het leather outfit was somehow glowing under the moonlight, as was her smile and eyes.

[Of course. I will hand in my assignment in time. As always.]

[Good girl. You might pass after all.] Tiffany kissed Yoona on her cheek as she walked out of the empty parking lot.


Yoona smiled as well as she adjusted her clothes and appearances. She put on her headphones as she too, walked out of the lot in the opposite direction, with Ed Sheeran’s Shape of You playing in her ears.


A notification popped up on her phone: Sensual Exploration Practicum II/ Due11:59pm

She clicked the home button, with the clock revealing the time: 11:58pm.





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